Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Garden Train Tours JOIN UP NOW

Would you like to have your Garden Trains participate in a live Tour?

It is real simple.

This is what you need to do to have you trains, models, or garden railroad featured.

  • Send us some pictures or videos. Links to pictures on forums or YouTube videos will do fine. In some cases, we can help you get the videos on the Web, or you can mail us a tape, CD or photos and we may be able to do it for you.
  • Let us know when you want to participate. We will put a tour together, schedule you to be included with three or more other garden railroaders, and handle the details.
  • Tell us a little about your trains, models, or garden railroad. A paragraph or two will do.
  • One half hour prior to the start of the tour, got to and monitor the chat. Be prepared to answer questions during your tour. If you are not there prior to the tour of your railroad, we will skip your segment of the show and you can re-schedule. So, don't worry if something else important comes up.

That's it! We need pictures or videos, information about your trains, and, most important, YOU!

Even if your railroad is in the planning stage, You can show us where it will go, what equipment you have or plan on getting. We would love to follow your progress and there will be plenty of viewers who will provide help.


  1. You can participate via Audio instead of chat. It is as simple as picking up a phone and call your audio in during the tour. Just let us know in advance.
  2. You can participate with live video. All you need is a web cam and a DSL or cable modem.
  3. You can create your own personal video channel at, if you like. It's free. Mogulus says it only takes a few minutes. However. You will need to create some graphics, and learn quite a bit about the production process. After you do all that. You will need to go through a verification process at Mogulus. If you don't, the number of viewers that can see your channel will be limited. Also, your channel will not show up in ANY searches.

We can help. We can create your channel for you, create and add the graphics, even the promo graphics needed for verification.
Then we will guide you through your production studio and assist with getting your your channel on air.
We will create all the graphics, install them in your channel, and submit the additional graphics needed for the verification process.
We will fill out all the Mogulus verification forms.We'll create a web page with your channel viewer embedded in it. (That is required by Mogulus for the verification process.)

Your web page will be here at and you will be an author, so you will have the option of adding or editing the information in the blog. NOTE: You do NOT need a web cam. You may want to add one for live broadcasts, but it is not required.

You can put links to your pictures and video's along with a short description of your garden trains in the comment field below. Or, just ask in the chat window on any channel.

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Enter a short discription of your Loco, Car, Building, Module, Indoor Railroad or Garden Railroad.

Provide links to pictures and videos.

How do we Get in contact with you? (Comments are moderated. We remove email addresses and phone numbers before the comments are published. If you would rather not provide contact information, contact us in any chat.)